Saturday, April 25, 2015

The bucket list...  So here's the good ole' bucket list I've been maintaining forever and a day.  I've crossed a ton off, so this is reworked a bit since it was created the day after my husband and I married.

I also admit, I have a HORRIBLE fear of flying (thanks to a flight between Munich and DC a number of years ago, I can still hear the old ladies in the back screaming.  Probably won't ever recover and be able to fly without the extreme anxiety I experience.

So here's the list.  Comments/suggestions would be appreciated!

1)  South Africa:  get into a shark cage, and see the Great Whites up close (this might be a very, very late in life activity)
2)  Giraffe Manor in Kenya.
3)  Antartica!  Dog sledding.  This might never happen, I hate the cold.
4)  Northern Lights, Finland.  Although I've been to Finland (it's LOVELY), I have not done the northern lights.  Friends of ours went to see them recently, but didn't see a thing.
5)  Into the amazon...I have an obsession with the Yanomami thanks to a professor in college.
6)  Egypt:  one day I want to see the antiquities here.  Not the best conditions these days.  I hope soon.
7)  Zimbabwe/Namibia/Botswana.  Wander, chill with the Himba.
8)  Go to and camp on a deserted island in the south pacific.  No particular island in mind.
9)  Cross the "land bridge" by dog sled between Alaska and Russia.
10) Go BACK to Alice Springs, Australia (LOVED IT, I'm weird).
11) Ride a motorcycle through Mexico, on the gulf coast.

It's a work in progress...

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